Pandemi Covid-19 Dan Wajah Baru Eklesiolgi: Perjamuan kudus sebagai dasar bergereja setelah masa Pandemi Covid-19
Pandemi Convid-19 telah mengubah peradaban manusia. Pandemi ini bukan lagi hanya sebatas penyakit yang melanda umat manusia. Pandemi ini menjadi momentum bagi manusia untuk mengupayakan perspektif baru tentang kehidupan. Hal itu juga yang terjadi bagi gereja. Pandemi Covid-19 telah menggoncang kemapanan bergereja seperti ini, seperti fenomena ibadah rumah yang menggantingkan ibadah di ruang gereja. Tidak hanya itu saja, pertemuan ragawi digantikan oleh pertempuan virtual. Karena itulah, gereja perlu menampilkan wajah baru akibat pandemi Covid-19. Wajah baru gereja itu diupayakan terhadap pemaknaan Perjamuan Kudus, sebab Perjamuan Kudus tidak hanya ritus dalam gereja. Perjamuan Kudus menjadi rujukan nilai dalam mengupayakan pola bergereja yang aktual dan otentik di dunia ini.
Kata Kunci:
Perjamuan Kudus, Pandemi Covid-19, Gereja
The Convid-19 pandemic has changed human civilization. This pandemic is no longer just a disease that afflicts humanity. This pandemic has become a momentum for humans to seek new perspectives on life. That is also the case for the church. The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken the establishment of churches like this, such as the phenomenon of house worship which has replaced worship in church spaces. Not only that, physical encounters were replaced by virtual clashes. For this reason, the church needs to put on a new face due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The new face of the church is sought for the meaning of Holy Communion, because Holy Communion is not only a ritual in the church. Holy Communion becomes a reference value in pursuing an actual and authentic church pattern in this world.
Key words:
Holy Communion, The Covid-19 Pandemic, Church
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