Jurnal Teologi Cultivation

Journal of Teologi Cultivation (JTC)
Journal of Religion and Christian Theological Education, published by the Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Tarutung, Indonesia, which contains articles on scientific research in the fields of Theology, Missiology, Theology Education and Teaching, History of Theology, Homiletics, Church Science, Catechetics, and Cultivation. The JTC is published biannual in July and December.

Online ISSN : 2581-0510 | Print ISSN: 2581-0499

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Posted: 2023-01-01 More...
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Vol 8, No 2 (2024): DESEMBER

Table of Contents


Samuel Herman, Citra Mirani Lasakar
01- 16
Wantri Hondo, Marinus Gulo, Wilson Bawamenewi, Desima Djumenta
17 - 36
Andianus Lawolo
Lilis Haryanti, Sang Putra Immauel Duha, Jekson Tulus
Tiur Imeldawati, Warseto Freddy Sihombing, Seri Antonius, Sabar Rudi Sitompul, Presman Anju Pinayungan
Bestian Simangunsong
Grace Paradise Ana Bonay
Renny Juwita Simanjuntak, Ulung Napitu, Jimmy Marshal Tambunan