Meldayanti Berutu


 The purpose of this study is to interpret the Gospel of Luke 23: 33-43 in providing a picture of Jesus' Suffering on the cross showing all people of love that does not avenge evil deeds. The love shown above the ferocity of human sin so that humans can repent and believe in Him as the Messiah.  Even though He knew that sinful men crucified Him because there was an element of ignorance, but Jesus was willing to accept it in place of the punishment of all people, so that the gospel or the tidings of joy might come true on earth. The inhumane treatment and humiliation that He received from all parties were rewarded with love which was the gift of the salvation of all people. This is the motto for believers to continue to forgive each other, even at the cost of His pride and life. The research method in writing this Scientific work is a qualitative method namely the Exegetical study approach. The interpretation method used is of course by using the following conditions and steps: book recognition, text analysis, textual criticism by comparing the opinions of experts and analyzing them, comparison of translations, general context and special context, Literary Forms, Sitz im Leben, aspects of government and politics, Socio-Economic Aspects, religious aspects, verse-by-verse interpretation, overall and skopus interpretation, Reflections for today's Christians. Based on Jesus' Suffering on the cross Luke 23: 33-43. The conclusion is that the Cross of Christ is a sign of a Christian life where humans have been reconciled by God, and justified with God, therefore, humans have redemption from God. So the warning that we do is our motivation to be more enthusiastic about living this life, moreover the spirit of preaching the love of God in the midst of our lives.


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