Hotlin Simamora


Abstract -  This study aims to analyze how the role of the teacher as a communicator in increasing motivation to learn PAK class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Pangaribuan Learning Year 2018/2019. With the hypothesis the research is: the role of the teacher as a communicator in increasing students' PAK learning motivation> 70% than expected. This study uses quantitative descriptive methods, with a population of 217 people and a sample of 34 people. Data was collected with a closed questionnaire instrument. The questionnaire trial was conducted on 32 students in Pangaribuan Middle School 1 who were not research respondents. Test the validity of the instrument using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient formula obtained rcount > rtable (0.351 to 0.689> 0.349) so that the instrument is valid. Meanwhile there are 3 invalid items between the values of 0.134 to 0.233. And the reliability test of the instrument with the Cronbach Alpha formula obtained r11 = 0.903 is in the high category, so the instrument is reliable. The results of data analysis showed that the value of the formula t as testing criteria then obtained tcount> t table of 6.029> 1.697 means that the teacher acts as a communicator in increasing motivation to learn PAK class VIII Pangaribuan Middle School Learning Year 2018-2019> 70% than expected. Thus the research hypothesis is accepted.

Keywords: Teachers as Communicators, PAK Learning Motivation

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